Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fights DIabetes with Fitness

Rick Wilson Fights Diabetes with Fitness and Loses 100 Pounds
Sees Significant Decline in Glucose Levels and Weight Loss is Able to Discontinue Diabetes Medications
Standing next to the bench press, Rick Wilson glares at the hundred pound weights resting beside the apparatus. He bends down as he lifts the weights, one by one, onto the bar. In doing so, Wilson stares into the mirror with determination as he reminisces back seven months, when he was more than 100 pounds heavier.

Wilson has struggled with his weight ever since he was a small child. At age 16, in an attempt to lose weight, Wilson went on a liquid diet hoping to shed some pounds, but he ended up gaining the weight back as soon as he introduced solid foods back into his diet. At the age of 23, Wilson began noticing his unquenchable thirst, constant urination (every five to ten minutes), aching body and irritable mood swings. After consulting with his family physician, Wilson was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
Ten years after being diagnosed with diabetes, Wilson’s weight had skyrocketed to an all-time high of 447 pounds. He consulted with his physician and determined that he was at serious risk for a heart attack and stroke, due to his obese weight and increased glucose levels. Wilson’s physician put him on four types of medications to help manage his diabetes and advised him to follow a strict nutrition plan & exercise program.
“Around Christmas in 2005, I decided that I no longer wanted to live life in that body,” said Wilson. “My energy level was extremely low and I knew that I had to take matters into my own hands and do something to change my life.” During the holiday season, Wilson was in the midst of a career change and decided that he would take some time off from work and gave himself one year to get healthy.
“I wanted to treat my weight loss program as a full-time job, so I began by taking daily walks and making a conscious effort to watch what I ate.” Shortly after Wilson made a commitment to himself to get healthy, he was a guest on the Dr. Phil show that discussed dating and relationships. Wilson told his story about his life-long struggle with his weight and the effects his obesity has had on his dating life. The producers of the Dr. Phil Show awarded Wilson with a free one-year membership to Gold’s Gym as well as free personal training sessions by Gold’s Gym Fitness Institute Member, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Nutritionist and Obesity Expert, Robert Reames.
Wilson began his personal training sessions with Reames mid-February, 2006. Reames designed a weekly nutritional plan and exercise regimen for Wilson to help him lose weight and properly manage his diabetes. Wilson’s exercise routine consists of two hours of cardio conditioning, three days a week, which includes the elliptical machine, playing basketball, riding a bicycle, running, swimming, etc. In addition, Wilson incorporates one hour of strength training, three days a week into his weekly exercise program. Wilson’s strength training schedule involves a wide range of exercise, including everything from the gravity resistance machines, to free weights, to core strength training exercises.
To track Wilson’s progress, Reames encourages Wilson to keep a food and exercise diary on a daily basis, check his blood sugar and blood pressure daily and weigh himself weekly. At the end of every week, Wilson submits the diary and his weight to Reames and the two sit down to review and evaluate Wilson’s progress. During the weekly evaluation meetings, Reames and Wilson discuss areas that need improvement and set realistic weight-loss and exercise goals.

In just seven months, Wilson has made significant progress working with Reames. He has lost 106 pounds and admits to noticing a huge difference in the way he looks and feels. “My glucose levels have improved dramatically and are typically between 100 and 106 in the morning and between 118 and 120 in the afternoon,” said Wilson. More importantly, Wilson’s physician has recognized the significant decline in glucose levels and weight loss and has advised him to discontinue the four medications that he was previously taking to manage his diabetes.
“It is amazing how healthy and motivated I feel for the first time in my life, since I’ve begun exercising,” said Wilson. “The entire staff and members at Gold’s Gym have given me tons of positive reinforcement and encouraged me to achieve my maximum potential.” Wilson hopes that by sharing his story, he will inspire many other diabetics to incorporate daily exercise routine into their lifestyle.

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