Thursday, October 25, 2007

Body Building Equipment Complete Your Body Building Program

What can you accomplish in body building without body building equipment? Nothing. Body building equipment is important in achieving your goal in body building. Choosing the right ones will greatly contribute to your success in this field.
There are several things to consider when buying body building equipment, as there are many different kinds. There are free weights, and others are machines that are all connected as one piece. You have to ask yourself which of these types you need. Choosing the right tool depends mainly on your body building goals.
If your main goal is just to bulk up then you will want to choose free weights because these will be more for this type of goal. On the other hand, you will get more exercise options with a machine as your main piece of body building equipment. In addition, free weights as your main kind of body building equipment can grow to be quite the pain in the butt, as you have to take bits on and off all of the time.
Another thing to consider is the price, especially if you are looking for new and better body building equipment. You only have so much money to spend on your body building equipment, and unfortunately, you cannot spend what you do not have. Even credit cards only go up so high right? Therefore, start looking for body building equipment within your budget range, and you will be much better off.It is a good idea to go into each store with a clear idea of how much money you have to spend on your body building equipment. This way you can just ask the person helping you to show you only the body building equipment that is in this price range. This will keep you from feeling bad about the great body building equipment that you cannot buy, and the body building equipment that you can buy will look that much better to you as a result.When you are shopping in the body building equipment store ask the workers what they feel might be the best choice for what you want to achieve. They should have a good idea of what body building equipment is best for what part of the body, etc.Ultimately, it is up to you which kind of body building equipment you are most comfortable with. Whatever it is, it will surely make your body building worth all the effort. It will help you reach your goal, and have that desired body in a given time.

Factors to Consider when Choosing Bodybuilding Equipment

Part of a good body building program is having the necessary equipment and weights that will help you in achieving the kind of body you want. Spending money for this equipment will show how much dedication you are extending to your body building goal. Body building equipment and weights are vital and play an important role in getting a muscular body.
Picking the right body building equipment will be quite difficult, especially for the beginners. When buying this equipment, the cost should not be considered. Expensive equipment does not mean it is good for you. There are other factors to consider when choosing the body building equipment that will give you good results. Consider doing the following:

Consult a professional
Consulting a professional is very important to ensure your safety. A professional can give you advice on which body building equipment will work best for you, and which one will pose a danger to your body. With their help, you will also be able to use the equipment to your best advantage.

Consult yourself
Consulting yourself is also necessary in order for you to measure how much work and time you’re willing to spend for body building. It will be useless to buy all that equipment when, in the end, you will not stick to your goal. Ask yourself first if body building is truly what you want to do, or is it just a phase you’re going through.
Consider too what your aims are in doing body building. Do you really want a fit body, or are you just doing body building for trivial purposes. Making your goal clear will help you become successful in your quest for a fit and muscular body.

Finally, the most important thing to remember in body building is that it is all about attitude. Set your goal and stick to it. With the aid of your body building equipment, you will get what you aim for.

Smith machine

The Smith machine is an item of equipment used in weight training. It consists of a barbell that is constrained to move only vertically upwards and downwards on steel runners.
The Smith machine was invented by American Jack La Lanne, who rigged up a sliding apparatus in his gym in the 1950s. It was spotted by Rudy Smith, a bodybuilder, who commissioned Paul Martin to improve it. Smith then installed the improved model in a gym he was managing at the time, Vic Tanny's gym in Los Angeles. By the end of the 1950s, Rudy Smith was an executive in Tanny's chain of gyms, and the Smith machine was being manufactured and sold more widely. An article in the July 2005 edition of Muscle & Fitness [1] reported that Rudy Smith was still alive, aged 79, and was the owner of Las Vegas Athletic Clubs.
A Smith machine often includes a weight rack in the base to help stabilise it. Some Smith Machines have the barbell counterbalanced.
Behind each runner is a series of slots on which the barbell can be hooked. Unlike an ordinary barbell, the Smith machine need not be re-racked after a set of repetitions: it can be secured at any point.

Because it cannot fall forwards, backwards or sideways, a Smith machine is considered safer to use than an ordinary barbell. Since the weight does not need to be stabilized, this can allow unstable lifters to lift more weight. There is a risk of force loss by applying it improperly, however, which can reduce the amount of weight lifted.

As the Smith machine constrains the body to a single plane of motion, it does not develop the
stabilization skills, or ability to force the bar into proper form, so lifting ability on it does not translate into freeweight lifting ability, whereas one can always lift on a Smith machine whatever one can freeweight. Weight that requires stabilization, generally freeweights, are thought to be more 'functional', in that they better mimic most physical tasks that the body would normally be asked to accomplish.
Due to the necessity of perfect placement under the bar for proper vertical arc, it is difficult to attain perfect form on the machine, which can result in the force loss, and also result in unusual strains on the body. For those who don't believe some exercises have a perfect vertical lifting line, but rather a slight arc (such as certain bench pressing methods), it is by design impossible to do it this way on the Smith machine.

For these reasons a regular barbell with a power cage may be used for the desired safety.
The Smith machine can be used for any barbell exercise in which the barbell moves vertically up and down, such as the squat or the bench press. It is not suitable for exercises in which the barbell moves in an arc, such as the biceps curl, nor for weightlifting lifts such as the clean and jerk.

Experience the enjoyment of a total body workout

The Power Flex offers features that you'd only expect to find only in a health club, allowing you to perform more than 65 quality exercises. ARC (Automatic Resistance Control) allows you to easily add or remove up to 340 lbs with just one finger, and work out more effectively while the Power Flex counts sets and reps for you. FlowMotion allows you to flow easily from one exercise to the next without complex adjustments to the weights or bench. Just change your angle and position, and enjoy the full range of motion on the cable handles. The Power Flex comes complete with a exercise DVD and exercise flip chart.

Power Flex offers nine workout stations
Low Pulleys
Mid Pulleys
High Pulleys
Vertical Knee Raise
Rolled Preacher Curl
Padded Leg Developer

The Right Gear

Use a mat for your floor excercise

DUAL-SIDED EXERCISE MAT The dual-sided mat is for use on floor exercises. Use your personal mat at home or carry to the gym as a more sanitary option to public exercise ma

Thursday, October 18, 2007

PUMP UP YOUR GUNSArm Building Tips from NFL Strength Coach Ray Oliver

Developing those big guns that every guy wants requires hard work in the gym, proper nutrition and recovery. Gold’s Gym Fitness Institute Member and NFL Strength and Conditioning Coach, Ray “Rock” Oliver, reveals his expert advice on developing muscular arms. With much experience working in athletic training, Oliver’s number one piece of advice is to work the arms with “full range of motion” exercises in order to maintain balance and symmetry to the arm. He also reminds individuals to allow the muscles to rest for 48 hours in between routines. Below, “Rock” recommends a series of arm exercises to build size and strength to the arms.

Fights DIabetes with Fitness

Rick Wilson Fights Diabetes with Fitness and Loses 100 Pounds
Sees Significant Decline in Glucose Levels and Weight Loss is Able to Discontinue Diabetes Medications
Standing next to the bench press, Rick Wilson glares at the hundred pound weights resting beside the apparatus. He bends down as he lifts the weights, one by one, onto the bar. In doing so, Wilson stares into the mirror with determination as he reminisces back seven months, when he was more than 100 pounds heavier.

Wilson has struggled with his weight ever since he was a small child. At age 16, in an attempt to lose weight, Wilson went on a liquid diet hoping to shed some pounds, but he ended up gaining the weight back as soon as he introduced solid foods back into his diet. At the age of 23, Wilson began noticing his unquenchable thirst, constant urination (every five to ten minutes), aching body and irritable mood swings. After consulting with his family physician, Wilson was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
Ten years after being diagnosed with diabetes, Wilson’s weight had skyrocketed to an all-time high of 447 pounds. He consulted with his physician and determined that he was at serious risk for a heart attack and stroke, due to his obese weight and increased glucose levels. Wilson’s physician put him on four types of medications to help manage his diabetes and advised him to follow a strict nutrition plan & exercise program.
“Around Christmas in 2005, I decided that I no longer wanted to live life in that body,” said Wilson. “My energy level was extremely low and I knew that I had to take matters into my own hands and do something to change my life.” During the holiday season, Wilson was in the midst of a career change and decided that he would take some time off from work and gave himself one year to get healthy.
“I wanted to treat my weight loss program as a full-time job, so I began by taking daily walks and making a conscious effort to watch what I ate.” Shortly after Wilson made a commitment to himself to get healthy, he was a guest on the Dr. Phil show that discussed dating and relationships. Wilson told his story about his life-long struggle with his weight and the effects his obesity has had on his dating life. The producers of the Dr. Phil Show awarded Wilson with a free one-year membership to Gold’s Gym as well as free personal training sessions by Gold’s Gym Fitness Institute Member, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Nutritionist and Obesity Expert, Robert Reames.
Wilson began his personal training sessions with Reames mid-February, 2006. Reames designed a weekly nutritional plan and exercise regimen for Wilson to help him lose weight and properly manage his diabetes. Wilson’s exercise routine consists of two hours of cardio conditioning, three days a week, which includes the elliptical machine, playing basketball, riding a bicycle, running, swimming, etc. In addition, Wilson incorporates one hour of strength training, three days a week into his weekly exercise program. Wilson’s strength training schedule involves a wide range of exercise, including everything from the gravity resistance machines, to free weights, to core strength training exercises.
To track Wilson’s progress, Reames encourages Wilson to keep a food and exercise diary on a daily basis, check his blood sugar and blood pressure daily and weigh himself weekly. At the end of every week, Wilson submits the diary and his weight to Reames and the two sit down to review and evaluate Wilson’s progress. During the weekly evaluation meetings, Reames and Wilson discuss areas that need improvement and set realistic weight-loss and exercise goals.

In just seven months, Wilson has made significant progress working with Reames. He has lost 106 pounds and admits to noticing a huge difference in the way he looks and feels. “My glucose levels have improved dramatically and are typically between 100 and 106 in the morning and between 118 and 120 in the afternoon,” said Wilson. More importantly, Wilson’s physician has recognized the significant decline in glucose levels and weight loss and has advised him to discontinue the four medications that he was previously taking to manage his diabetes.
“It is amazing how healthy and motivated I feel for the first time in my life, since I’ve begun exercising,” said Wilson. “The entire staff and members at Gold’s Gym have given me tons of positive reinforcement and encouraged me to achieve my maximum potential.” Wilson hopes that by sharing his story, he will inspire many other diabetics to incorporate daily exercise routine into their lifestyle.

Did you ever wonder where Arnold Schwarzenegger and other hard-core body builders train?



* Cut rest between sets
* Rest pause principal of training
* Do supersets once a week for each body part.
* Stretching between sets.
* Prioritize compound movements.
* Flexing between sets.


A balanced workout pays plenty of attention to the biceps-indirectly. For instance, your back is the primary mover for chinups and rows, but your arms assist in each movement. Use an underhand grip and keep your hands narrower than shoulder width in these exercises so your biceps are forced to work even harder. For an extra biceps boost, add the Zottman curl to your workout. This classic exercise works the biceps and its major supportive muscles, including the female-favorite forearm muscle.


Grab a pair of dumbbells that are 5 to 10 pounds lighter that you would normally use to curl for 12 repetitions. Lie faceup on a 45 degree incline bench and hold the weights at your sides with an underhand grip (palms facing forward).
Curl the weights toward your shoulders.
Rotate your wrists at the top of the movement so your palms are facedown.
Lower the weights and turn your wrists at the bottom of the move to return to an underhand grip. Continue rotating and curling to three or four sets of six to eight reps.
(Men’s health, June, 2006)


The Gold's Gym Pro-Series Personal Trainer is an alternative to the traditional heavy bag. Whether you use it for boxing, martial arts or kick boxing, you'll love its durability and versatility. This ideal high-impact workout companion will make a great addition to your home gym. It features a full-size bag with foam padding and an easy-fill stability base. The base can be filled with sand or water.


Cotton/Spandex Capri Pant with 15" inseam and 2 1/2" elastic waistband.


Make a statement with this tee that features the new slogan of Gold's Gym printed on the front and back.


Assisted Dip Station with Fold-Away Pad: For goal-oriented training, this dip station assists you in performing dips and pull-ups until you are strong enough to do them on your own. And, if you prefer not to use the dip-assist feature, the assist pad easily folds down and out of your way.

Assisted Multi-Grip Pull-Up Station: Utilize the same padded seat as the dip assist to help you perform pull-ups and chin-ups, or, if you prefer, fold it away and perform your exercises without it.

Up to 80 LBS. of Assisted Resistance: Add up to 80 lbs. of resistance to your pull-up/dip-assist pad with the included 15 lb. and 25 lb. resistance bands allowing you to incrementally reduce the resistance you require over time.

Vertical Knee Raise with Fold-Away Arms: To lose inches around your waist and develop ab muscles worthy of showing off, use the stable vertical knee raise (VKR) station, which also helps tone your oblique and hip flexor muscles. And, if the VKR arms interfere with your pull-ups, the armrests can be folded upward and out of the way.

Multi-Position Push-Up Station: Get the most out of your push-up workout with these multi-position hand grips.

Exercise Chart: Learn which exercises focus on what muscle groups and how to perform each exercise most effectively with this step-by-step exercise chart.
Height: 82 in
Width: 42 in
Depth: 48 in
Weight: 141 lbs
Steel construction
Assembly required
90-day manufacturer warranty
Allow 2 weeks for delivery
Ground shipping only

Tuesday, October 16, 2007



Take your physique to the next level with Gold’s Gym weight sets and plates. From individual 0.5kg plates to complete 140kg sets, we’ve got everything you need to create head turning results. See the latest EZ grip designs for easier handling and plate changes. Professional “Olympic Style” standard plates for precision cast, weight accuracy and durable Chrome finish with rubber inserts.

Olympic EZ Grip Hammertone Weights Sets and Plates

Safe, easy handling and quick plate changes are among the main elements you need in a weight and plate set. That’s why our Olympic EZ Grip Hammertone Weight Sets and Plates feature EZ Grip design for easier handling and plate changes.They also feature exceptional strength and durability. Use them to build your best body and get years of free-weight workouts. Their weight accuracy is guaranteed within 2% or better.

Plates features EZ Grip design for easier handling and plate changes
Exceptional strength / durability
For use on plate loaded equipment or free weight workouts.
Delivery 5-7 working days
For use on a 52mm bar .
(weight quoted includes bar weight) : weight 140 Kg set (52 mm)
Weight 100 Kg set (52 mm)

Olympic “Style” Hammertone Weight Sets.

Professional 'Olympic Style' standard plates
Precision cast for weight accuracy
Delivery 5-7 working days
For use on a 25.4mm bar
(weight quoted includes bar weight)
Weight 50 Kg set (25,4 mm)
Weight 70 Kg set (25,4 mm)
Weight 90 Kg set (25,4 mm).
Weight 110 Kg set (25,4 mm)

Chrome Weight Set
Precision machined for weight accuracy
Durable chrome finish with rubber inserts
Delivery 5-7 working days.
(weight quoted includes bar weight) Weight 50 Kg set
Olympic EZ Grip Hammertone Weight Plates
Plates features EZ Grip design for easier handling and plate changes
Exceptional strength / durability
For use on plate loaded equipment or free weight workouts
Weight accuracy guaranteed within 2% or better
From 1.25 – 20kg
For use on a 52mm bar; suitable for the Solid Chrome Olympic Bar (52mm) and the Olympic Curl Bar (52mm) ONLY

Olympic “Style” Hammertone Weight plate
Professional 'Olympic Style' standard plates.
Precision cast for weight accuracy
Hammertone finish
From 0.5kg – 20kg for use with Hammertone Olympic style weight sets 25.4mm.
For use on a 25.4mm bar; NOT suitable for the Solid Chrome Olympic Bar (52mm) and the Olympic Curl Bar (52mm)

Chrome Plates With Rubber Inserts
Precision machined for weight accuracy
Durable chrome finish with rubber inserts
From 0.5kg – 10kg for use with Chrome weight sets For use on a 25.4mm bar; NOT suitable for the Solid Chrome Olympic Bar (52mm) and the Olympic Curl Bar (52mm


Partial Physioball Crunch (Upper Abs)
Lie faceup with the ball supporting your hips, low back and midback. Place your feet on the floor in a wide stance and bend your legs to 90 degrees. Cross your arms over your chest, rest each hand on the opposite shoulder, and contract your abs. Curl forwarding by trying to shorten the distance between the bottom of your rib cage and your hip-bones. Bring your upper torso up to about 45 degrees from horizontal and then return to the starting position.

Forward Ball roll.(Obliques, core)
Kneel facing the ball. Lean forward slightly and place your forearms on top of the ball with your finger interlaced, contracting your abs. Slowly roll the ball forward by extending your forearms, out in front of you and allowing your body to tilt toward the floor. Maintain a neutral alignment of your spine. Hold this position for three seconds and then return to the starting position, exhaling as you do so.

Supine Physioball Trunk Rotation ( Obliques,core)
Lie faceup on the ball with your low back and midback supported. Bend your knees to 90 degrees and position your feet on the floor in a wide stance. Extend your arms outward from your chest and grasp a small weight plate or medicine ball between your hands, contracting your abs. Rotate slowly to the left and carry the weight toward the floor without moving your shoulders independent of your torso. Gently reverse direction, return to the starting position and then rotate to the right.

Lateral Crunch ( Obliques,core)
Support your right-hip area on the ball and extend your left leg out to the floor at a 45 degree angle. Secure your left feet to the floor, bends your right knee slighty, and allow your right foot to rest beneath or behind the left. Place your hands behind your heads and splay your elbows wide, contracting your abs. Start with your right side completely supported on the ball so that your trunk is roughly parallel to the floor, Pull your trunk upright by contracting the muscle of your left side. Pause briefly at the top of the movement and then return to the starting position and repeat. Do a full set, then switch sides.

Physioball Prone Jackknife (Lower abs)
Assume a push-up position with your feet positioned close together on the ball. Maintain a neutral spine and neck alignment. Pull your knees toward your elbows, and roll the ball forward with your feet until your knees are directly underneath your chest. While contracting your abs, hold this position for two seconds and then return to the starting position and repeat.
.(Men’s Fitness, june, 2002)


One kind of training that can be done by using fit balls is push up to strengthen the triceps, front deltoid, and pectoral muscle. For core strength this ball really helps a lot in training the abs and back muscle.

Gold’s Gym fit balls

No matter your age or condition, a fit ball workout helps to strengthen and tone, increase flexibility and improve cardiovascular fitness. Fit balls activate all major muscle groups and can significantly improve balance and coordination. Gold’s Gym fit balls are comfortable, durable and resistant to punctures. The new Core Ball incorporates a patent pending design with resistant bands for added toning and stretching.

Golds Gym Body Ball (Exercise Chart, pump) - Yellow - 65cm

These balls were once used only for physical therapy to treat orthopaedic problems. Now, they’ve rolled into the world of mainstream exercise. Our Body Ball is an air-cushioned fitness ball for improving strength, flexibility and balance. A step-by-step poster and video (optional) will guide you, and you’ll be using the ball to target your abs, hips, bum and back in no time. With a tough, vinyl construction and a generous 65cm size, our ball comes with a speedy, dual-action pump.

Protect your Hands with Men's Leather Weight Lifting Gloves from Gold’s Gear

The 7100 Series Men's Leather Gloves are made of durable leather and a contouring suede palm. For comfort, these gloves feature a flex-knit finger, thumb, and knuckle expansion system. They can be easily maintained by machine washing separately and air drying.

If you’re looking for the maximum in cushioning and comfort, look no further.For frequent lifting and all-round training, Gold’s Gym’s Adjustable Gel-Grip Gloves provides the perfect non-slip grip, even when the gloves are soaked with sweat.The special gel padding provides extreme comfort, while also ensuring energy absorption. The gel-grip palm also ensures ultimate durability and comfort.An adjustable Velcro strap keeps the gloves securely in place, and the snug, Velcro closure and elasticised wrist provide a custom fit.The special gel padding provides extreme comfort, while also ensuring energy absorption. The gel-grip palm also ensures ultimate durability and comfort.

Golds Gym Telescopic Chrome Chinning Bar - 66-102cm

Our Telescopic Chrome Chinning Bar turns any doorframe into a powerful upper-body or abdominal-workout station. Best of all, it will custom-fit any doorframe, as it telescopes from 26" to 40" (66cm to 102cm). Its secure, steel construction provides sturdy support, and it’s very portable – you can stash it in a briefcase or suitcase if you want to take it on holiday or to the office. It’s versatile, too – you can use it high for your upper body and low for your abs.

Exercise that Help You Look Good at the Beach

The Pullup is the ultimate two –in-one muscle builder for beach-ready biceps and a V-shaped back. This variation, called the mixed-grip pullup, also helps define your midsection. By using an overhand grip with one hand and an underhand grip with the other, you add a rotational component to the exercise.

Mixed-Grip Pullup :
Grab a chinup bar with an alternating grip- one palm facing you (underhand grip), the other facing forward (overhand grip).Keeping your abs tight, pull yourself up until your chest is even with the bar. Pause then lower yourself. Do all your repetitions with your hands in this position, then, on your next set, do the reverse


Get a feature-packed, low-impact workout with the Gold's Gym VX 5000 Treadmill, featuring EKG Grip Pulse and Chest Sensors, CoolAire? fans, a 2.5 CHP motor and more. Besides 10 built-in workouts, you can also run optional iFIT programs to keep you motivated, and the four-window LED display gives you immediate feedback so you can stay on top of your workout. You'll also beat the heat with two CoolAire fans. This treadmill will be a great addition to your home gym for a challenging cardio workout.

Treadmill Features
G Force Pro 2.5 Continuous Horse Power Motor
iFIT Interactive Personal Training
X-Step Impact Reducing Cushioning
10 Built-in Workout Programs
4-Window LED Display
Dual EKG Grip Pulse
2 CoolAire Fans
0-12 MPH QuickSpeed Control
0-10% Power Incline
20" x 60" Treadbelt with 2 Steel Rollers
Patented SpaceSaver Design
Height: 55 in
Width: 37 in
Length: 72 in
Shipping Weight: 288 lbs
Maximum User Weight: 325 lbs
Assembly required
12 year motor warranty
1 year parts and labor warranty
Allow 2 weeks for delivery
Ground shipping only


The reason for the treadmill’s sudden popularity?

Older people like them because they want a low-impact activity, and a treadmill lets you walk, as well as run. On the other hand, they're also attractive to younger people, who view the treadmill as an alternative to jogging outside in unpleasant weather.

Convenience is also the main reasons. Some people finds home exercise more convenient. It's easier to hop on the treadmill than it is to try to get to the club, then sit around there waiting to use the equipment.

Another reason that retail purchases of treadmills are up is the increased popularity of walking as an exercise. While running has been a favored activity of Americans since the 1970s, walking has come into vogue in just the past five or six years, in part because it's a low-impact exercise that older or less-fit people can do easily. In addition, many people have gotten used to using the treadmills in their health clubs and YMCAs, leading them to want one for their homes. Whether you walk or run on a treadmill, it's an activity that has numerous physical benefits.

- Treadmills has great cardiovascular value for the heart, lungs, and circulatory system.
- Treadmills Is a very efficient way to lose body fat, and, since it's a weight-bearing activity, it has musculoskeletal benefits as well.

Gold's Story

Gold’s Gym has been the authority on fitness since 1965 dating back to the original Gold’s Gym in Venice, California. It was the place for serious fitness. Gold’s Gym quickly became known as “The Mecca of Bodybuilding.’’ In 1977, Gold’s Gym received international attention when it was featured in the cult favorite, Pumping Iron, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno. From that first gym in Venice, Gold’s Gym has become the largest co-ed gym chain in the world with more than 600 facilities in 43 states and 25 countries

Today, Gold’s Gym has expanded its fitness profile to offer all of the latest equipment and services including, group exercise, personal training, cardiovascular equipment, spinning, Pilates and yoga, while maintaining its core weight lifting tradition. With nearly 3 million members world wide, Gold’s Gym continues to change lives by helping people achieve their individual potential.